Online Commercial UAS Ground School

Coastal Drone Co.

The Commercial Pilot Ground School covers the knowledge required to apply for a Special Flight Operations Certificate (SFOC). It will also get you equipped with the knowledge you need to pass the future UAS Pilot Permit exams. Complete the course now in order to meet the knowledge requirements for your SFOC application, and when the new regulations are live you’ll get a notification that we’ve added more content to cover those changes so you can update your knowledge. 

Course content includes 20 hours of instruction, videos, quizzes, multimedia, resources (powerpoint slides, PDFs, etc.)

Course Curriculum

Section 0: Introduction
Section 1: Canadian Aviation Regulations
Section 2: US Airframes and Systems
Section 3: Human Factors
Section 4: Meteorology
Section 5: Navigation
Section 6: Flight Operations
Section 7: Theory of Flight
Section 8: Radio Telephony


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