Everyone can see that drones are becoming a big part of growing businesses. They have the ability to be faster, safer, and cost less then traditional methods of work, whether it be photography, inspection, or mapping for examples. Drone Shop Canada will help you make a selection for the best drone for your needs, and get you flying in no time.
Drone Shop Canada prides itself as a great custom UAV builder of reasonably priced equipment. We know you can buy a turn key solution for 70k, 100k, even up to $350,000… For a drone. Most of those companies use open source software and hardware, while they do have some benefits they can also be very finicky. We concentrate on easy to use, widely supported, great value, and customizable solutions for your Multirotor equipment. Even if travelling abroad you will be able to find parts and service from a dealer network that spans internationally.
The DJI Matrice 100, dubbed the developer platform, while it can accept add-ons for those developing powerful apps and technology in the UAV market, is a powerhouse for photography, mapping and inspections. While not a true ready to fly out of the box drone this can be easily assembled, or you can have Drone Shop Canada do a custom build for you. Great additions to the Matrice 100 frame are guidance anti collision sensors, a dual battery bay, gimbal mounts to take an X3 or X5 gimbal, or additional video inputs for adding additional sources like the FLIR Vue Pro R radiometric thermal camera.
The Matrice 100 has been an extremely popular drone for business and the workhorse for many of our clients. Some examples of our custom builds include zoom cameras for inspection, FLIR thermal cameras for thermal inspection, with dual view visual / thermal. Numerous mapping drones that fly fully autonomous capturing the data you need for stockpiles, drainage research, site maps and 3d modelling of an area.
Contact Drone Shop Canada today to find out how our custom built Multirotor drones can be integrated into your business.